A dance at Fort Boonesborough is interrupted by Flathead ... Mingo, wanted DEAD! Daniel Boone must capture his friend Mingo and bring him to justice before all Kentucky erupts in war.
Daniel Boone Day, celebrated annually on June 7, commemorates the day in 1769 that the famed frontiersman first laid eyes on the forests and valleys of what is now Kentucky. Entertainment News ...
Fess Parker struck ratings gold again in a coonskin cap, this time as “Daniel Boone.” Like his previous ... Salmi essayed these roles. In nearby Boonesborough, spunky old Cincinnatus, played ...
Daniel Boone leads a party of settlers into Kentucky to found the town of Boonesborough. Along the way, he meets and falls in love with a lovely, red-haired servant named Rebecca and must vie with ...
Boone returns from a solo expedition to ... Aaron Burr, ex-Vice President, comes to Boonesborough to enlist Daniel to guide him on a long and dangerous journey to the west, but is vague about ...