ONE of the recent developments of wireless telegraphy for military purposes is an equipment for cavalry use to insure. a positive means of communication between bodies of mounted troops or with ...
Situated on a barren and lonely headland of the coast of Galway, three miles from the town of Clifden, is the Irish station of the Marconi transatlantic wireless telegraph system. No less barren ...
TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Full text is unavailable for this digitized archive article. Subscribers may view the full text of this article in ...
In nearly 200 years of publication, The Providence Journal has turned to ever-evolving technology to bring the news to Rhode Island.
In a series of laboratory experiments and dramatic public demonstrations, he proved that wireless telegraphy could be used as a practical means of transmitting information. But sending a radio ...
In November 1916, E.J. Nally, vice president of the American division of the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company, received an unusual memo from one of his young assistants. The memo depicted a ...
and it seems very desirable that any eclipse expeditions sent out to observe it should be provided with wireless telegraph apparatus, and should arrange to receive, and also to send, signals to ...