Palak Patel, the longtime film executive who oversaw the Venom movies at Columbia Pictures, has been named chief content officer for Prime Focus Studios, the finance and production arm of visual ...
Engineers from Sierra Space, a private company, have developed a machine designed to extract oxygen from lunar soil, also ...
Palak Patel, the EVP behind the "Venom" trilogy at Columbia Pictures, is exiting Sony after a 10 year stint. The former exec has been named CCO for Prime Focus Studios, the finance and production ...
Inside a giant sphere, the engineers pored over their equipment. Before them stood a silvery metal contraption swathed in ...
Suggests Shift In 'Spider-Man' Spinoffs To Avoid Getting "Destroyed" By Critics Patel came to Sony in August 2015 as part of a motion picture group realignment by chairman Tom Rothman and then ...
The Sony executive who was tasked with overseeing the studio's widely hated slate of Marvel movies - including the Venom ...
Almost a decade after he murdered his wife in the US, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is still on the lookout for ...
Palak Patel, the EVP behind the “Venom” trilogy at Columbia Pictures, is exiting Sony after a 10 year stint. The former exec has been named CCO for Prime Focus Studios, the finance and ...
EXCLUSIVE: We hear that Sony Pictures EVP of Production Palak Patel is leaving the Culver City lot for a new gig.Once we hear about that, we’ll update you. Patel has been at Sony for the last ...
Palak Patel, the longtime film executive who oversaw the Venom movies at Columbia Pictures, has been named chief content officer for Prime Focus Studios, the finance and production arm of visual ...