A devastating wildfire in Los Sauces, Chile, has destroyed large areas, claiming the life of three firefighters. The blaze continues to threaten the region, with authorities working to control the flames.
When Donald Trump returns to the White House, he's expected to issue a series of orders with far-reaching impact on global health — from abortion services to support for the World Health Organization.
Retirement and heavy alcohol use can be a dangerous mix, with both adding to depression among older adults. According to a new study in Aging and Mental Health, retirees showed more signs of depression than those who were still working, and binge drinking made those symptoms worse. Moderate drinking, however, modestly lifted their spirits.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday proposed that food companies display nutrition labels on the front of the packages, in its latest push under the outgoing Biden administration to help consumers make healthier choices.
It's been about five years since the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed in Australia. This is what Australia living through "unprecedented times" looks like in numbers.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration suggested on Tuesday that food manufacturers place nutrition labels on the front of their packaging as part of a broader
Google the most violent region of the world and Latin America will come up. Violence in the region takes many forms and starts young. Data from UNICEF shows nearly two in three children aged 1–14 years in Latin America and the Caribbean face violent discipline at home.
Data on almost 57,000 people from 65 countries suggests that the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS)—a widely used research tool—generally holds up
The leaders of all Amnesty International Americas sections joined to share concerns on President Trump's agenda and threats to human rights.
Scientists at Caltech and Princeton University have discovered that bacterial cells growing in a solution of polymers, such as mucus, form long cables
USDA updates list of Central American countries affected by screwworm. Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama and Costa Rica have been added to the list of regions affected by scr
World Health Organization chief says agency already cutting back on hiring and travel with Trump withdrawal set to hit funding.