Companies making alcoholic beverages aren't always in a celebratory "spirit" as spirits get hit hard while consumer tastes ...
Local law enforcement partnering with Alcoholic Beverage Control for statewide shoulder tap operation It was a surprise ...
Study finds letting teens drink at home may lead to heavier alcohol use 03:59. Some parents might think that letting their ...
“Any beverage with fewer calories, just like any food with fewer calories, is ultimately better for weight management,” she ...
Princess Cruises announced a standalone non-alcoholic bar menu in January. The Amore Princess Zero Alcohol Collection will ...
The Kentucky Senate has passed a bill to regulate cannabis-infused beverages, setting a 5-milligram THC limit and granting ...
The Kentucky legislation caps the amount of intoxicating THC at 5 milligrams per 12-ounce cans. And while it allows retailers ...