A new exhibition at the Jewish Museum explores the cult of Queen Esther, whose story won the hearts of Dutch Masters and some ...
How Jews and Christians Built the West — and Why Only They Can Save It,” Melanie Phillips takes a candid look at the ...
French Jews will celebrate the festivities of Purim. Fasting, prayers, readings, meals, and costumes—these two days allow ...
While the book is a work of fiction, Sendowski ensures that it remains faithful to the historical and textual integrity of ...
Most famously, this is the area where King Saul fell on his spear rather than face capture by the Philistines. His sons ...
Purim is a strange holiday for Jews, and nothing is stranger than its central piece: Megillat Esther (the Book of Esther). We ...
Leftists misuse the biblical book of Esther to promote the lie about Israel committing genocide when it is the Palestinians, like Hitler, Haman and Amalek before them, who seek their extermination.
The Bible teaches us that without faith it is impossible to please God ( Hebrews 11:6 ). Far from being an abstract idea, faith is the very window through which God’s grace is made available.
Not only do Moses’s kinsmen, the tribe of Levi, kill 3000 people, but to add insult to injury God also gets into the act and sent a plague upon the people, for what they did with the calf that Aaron ...
Miami University’s Chabad is hosting a party to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Purim 8:30 p.m. Thursday, March 13. The ...
The letters, Stone explains, spell out a profound biblical message. They include “Yah” (a shortened form of Yahweh), along with the name “Ephraim.” In Hebrew, Ephraim means “fruitful,” and Stone ...