By Elizabeth Landau Above the shores of prehistoric seas and lakes, pterosaurs roamed the skies. They were feathered creatures that ranged in size from pigeons to planes, and the first vertebrates ...
Mar. 4, 2025 — Researchers have discovered that what was previously thought to be a unique seaweed species of bladderwrack for the Baltic Sea is in fact a giant clone of common bladderwrack ...
In the skies of the Jurassic period, pterosaurs soared with wingspans stretching up to 10 meters — longer than a school bus. These ancient reptiles, the first vertebrates to achieve powered ...
Researchers at the University of Manchester suggest that fossilized bones of the ancient flying reptiles known as pterosaurs may offer vital insights for building lighter, stronger materials in future ...
Powered flight has evolved separately in three tetrapod clades: pterosaurs, birds (avian dinosaurs), and bats. To meet the challenges of powered flight, tetrapods acquired structural, mechanical, and ...
Pterosaurs, remarkable for their extensive evolutionary history and role as the first vertebrates to achieve active flight, have long intrigued paleontologists and the public alike. Spanning over 150 ...
They chatted about parrots and sixth-generation fighter aircraft and, as a result of that fateful day, four years later Nature published a paper called ‘Harnessing 3D microarchitecture of pterosaur ...