Adelson is charged in the contract killing of law professor Dan Markel, a Florida State law ... would comply with all conditions, including house arrest and monitoring, if she were released ...
Since joining the team, Jada has covered stories such as the fallout from the City of Tampa's pump failure, causing homes ... Tallahassee's city hall, and the murder of FSU Law Professor Dan Markel.
Donna Adelson will not be getting out of jail before her murder trial starts in June on charges she helped orchestrate the ...
she would reside in Tallahassee with her husband until the trial begins. Harvey Adelson, who had never before attended any court proceeding in the Markel case, including his son’s trial ...
Donna Adelson’s attorneys filed another motion Wednesday arguing divorce papers between her daughter Wendi and Dan Markel ...
conspiracy and solicitation in the 2014 death of Dan Markel, a law professor at Florida State University. Markel – who was fatally shot in the head inside his Tallahassee garage in July 2014 ...
Northstar, offered by respected builder Markel Homes, is an enclave of custom and semi-custom homes for those who aspire to something different — something better. “With stunning back-range ...
Author Tova Mirvis had a distant connection to Florida State University law professor Dan Markel: Her ex-husband went to college with him. When Markel was killed in Tallahassee in 2014 ...
A circuit judge decided this week that Donna Adelson must stay in jail until her trial, which is scheduled for this summer.
The 74-year-old was set to be tried for the 2014 murder of FSU law professor Dan Markel, but her trial was abruptly canceled the same day it was supposed to begin. In a bonus episode of “Hit ...
Dan Kleman's legacy in Tallahassee is downtown revitalization, fiscal responsibility, a commitment to good governance.