Furriers will be sticking around Chicago after City Council voted against a fur ban. Many who opposed the ban said it would have impacted Black-owned businesses.
Jack Dykinga won a Pulitzer in Chicago, then came West for a celebrated career in nature photography. And at age 82, after a ...
Jack Dykinga won a Pulitzer in Chicago, then came West for a celebrated career in nature photography. And at age 82, the Oro ...
The location for Taylor's Free to Be Village development will be situated on this site across the street from Black Ensemble ...
Heeding opposition from Black clergy and the Black Caucus, the City Council voted 26 to 19 not to impose a ban on the sale of ...
The museum’s Black Creativity Career Showcase highlights diverse professionals in STEAM CHICAGO – From skeletons to metal ...
Alderpeople rejected Ald. Ray Lopez's proposal to ban the sale of new fur products by a 19-26 vote. Local fur shop owners ...
Several Black aldermen and clergy members rallied ahead of the meeting to urge the council to vote down a proposal from Ald.
The groups say the funding disruption could potentially halt their work, which includes providing services to people facing ...
The traditional epicenter of the city’s Black community has been upended in recent years by the arrival of thousands of Venezuelan immigrants.
Last weekend's Ravefurrest at the Archer Ballroom in Bridgeport brought out DJs, vendors, dancing and hundreds of revelers wearing ears, tails and even full fur suits.