Donald Trump’s early administration moves are accelerating the concentration of executive power at the expense of Congress.
With the expiration of the 118th Congress this month, Senators Durbin, Schatz, and Welch’s constitutional amendment “to ...
The ongoing struggle between popularism and progressivism.
“Winner-take-all tends to depress voter turnout. It does so by creating the perception among many people that voting doesn’t matter when the outcome is all but predetermined. This is especially true ...
Nebraska is one of two states that awards its electoral college votes by congressional district.
Kansas joins three other states in a lawsuit against counting noncitizens in the census, saying the electoral college is impacted.
Nebraskans came out in big numbers Thursday to criticize — but mostly to defend — the state’s unusual system of awarding ...
Nebraskans filled the halls of the state Capitol Thursday afternoon, most of them there to oppose two proposals to restore a ...
Voters wanting to protect Nebraska's "Blue Dot" packed a legislative hearing Wednesday to oppose two measures that would return the state to "winner-take-all" for presidential elections.
Nebraskans will have a chance this week to weigh in on two proposals that seek to change the state’s presidential elections ...
If Sean Spiller is elected governor of New Jersey this year, it will be the culmination of two very different strands of the ...
Voters in California and Texas affiliated with a Democratic group want to intervene in a lawsuit filed by four Republican ...