Despite laws against it, child labour continues to exploit millions of children in Bangladesh. To address it properly, along with legal issues, the cultural and social dimensions must also be taken in ...
Hyderabad: Task force sleuths, Hyderabad, busted an international human trafficking-cum-prostitution racket on Wednesday and ...
Hyderabad: The Hyderabad Police busted an international human trafficking racket in the city and caught 15 people including ...
Some 260 workers from 19 countries have been released from human trafficking “scam compounds” in Myanmar, reports ...
UNHCR led the development of a joint multi-stakeholder and Government Strategy to address human trafficking, kidnappings and smuggling of Persons in Sudan. Collaboration in Bangladesh UNHCR and the ...
Bangladesh and India have agreed to take effective measures to bring down border killings of Bangladeshi nationals to zero ...
Reaffirming the need for synergistic efforts to uphold human rights and curb violence on the border, Bangladesh and India on ...
They were repatriated with the help of the Wage Earners' Welfare Board under the Ministry of Expatriates' Welfare & Overseas Employment, the Bangladesh Embassy in Algeria, and Brac ...