In the meantime, Mr Trump’s tariff promises would return the average effective duty to levels not seen since the 1940s, when ...
His tax cuts, tariff increases and other policy measures are estimated to have a 10-year cost of $5 trillion to $11 trillion.
The president did not mention the health care program during his speech to Congress, amid fears it will be victim to GOP ...
A GOP package aims to extend the 2017 Trump tax cuts and include new breaks for seniors and Americans who rely on tips and ...
President Donald Trump laid out a familiar vision of vast domestic policy changes in his joint address to Congress Tuesday ...
N.Y., is calling on Democrats to organize in GOP-heavy districts to push back against the Trump agenda and what she claims ...
The first speech of Trump’s second term in office, while not officially a State of the Union address, is a chance for the ...
President Donald Trump is bending Congress to his will, hobbling minority Democrats with an everything-at-once strategy and ...
President Donald Trump is addressing Congress and the American people as he faces a backlash over tariffs, Ukraine aid and ...
After a Republican-backed Congressional budget passed the House, President Donald Trump could fulfill his promise to end ...
Pretending trillions of dollars in high-end tax cuts are free may be convenient for the GOP, but it’s extremely dishonest.
President Trump renewed his advocacy for broad tax cuts in his address to Congress, emphasising the economic growth spurred ...