The Ukrainian president tells us about his hopes for the U.S. presidency, explains what it means to “not make the mistakes of ...
Gonzalo Himiob Santomé, director of Foro Penal: "To date in Venezuela we have registered 1,687 political prisoners. Citizens ...
Le considerazioni dell'autore statunitense sull'Omero della storia che definisce un confuso "credulone" e la rivalutazione ...
Kyiv - There is no sign of a peace prospect along the frontlines in eastern Ukraine. Russia continues its offensive, capturing Ukrainian villages one after another. On January 11, according to the ...
Twenty-one days. That's how long Cecilia Sala's illegitimate and unjust detention lasted in Tehran's notorious Evin prison. And for twenty-one days, every day, Ambassador Paola Amadei kept a diary ...
The point in the end is all here: was it Meloni who assaulted Europe or was it Europe that assaulted Meloni? There is a new phenomenon in world politics that has not been sufficiently illuminated ...
I due architetti sono accusati di conflitto d’interesse nel progetto Beic. Un nuovo colpo per la città, paralizzata dalle ...
La turbativa vera di Milano. Qualche domanda a Viola sulle inchieste Beic ed edilizia meneghina È forse giunto il momento per ...
Nonostante i divieti americani, piomba sui mercati l’effetto della ChatGpt cinese e molto più economica. Il problema della ...