Daylight saving time is about to begin again, despite sleep experts and even President Donald Trump wanting to get rid of ...
The spring equinox, also known as the vernal equinox, marks the official start of the season, which happens on Thursday, ...
Clocks will spring forward an hour Sunday as daylight saving time begins. Here's why President Trump and Texas lawmakers want ...
In less than a week, the clocks will once again spring forward an hour, marking the start of Daylight Saving Time in 2025.
Daylight saving time is set to start in a few days. See why most of the U.S. observes it and when it starts and ends in ...
According to, daylight saving time will start on Sunday, March 9, this year. Clocks will “spring forward,” as ...
Are you ready to spring forward? Clocks will change this weekend. Be ready. One grocery chain is offering free breakfast food ...
Fire always happens when you least expect it and having a smoke detector on every level of your home and in or just outside ...
Most of America “springs forward” Sunday for daylight saving time and losing that hour of sleep can do more than leave you tired and cranky the next day. It also could harm your health.
It's a sign of the warmer weather ahead as the sunrise and sunset times move an hour later. The amount of daylight increases ...
Most U.S. states turn their clocks ahead a full hour when DST begins in the spring, “losing” an hour of sleep. When DST ends, we “fall back” by turning our clocks back and “gaining” an hour of sleep.
Daylight saving time begins this Sunday, March 9. As we prepare to turn our clocks forward this weekend, the American Red ...