Front Month Nymex Natural Gas for April delivery lost 29.50 cents per million British thermal units, or 6.71% to $4.1040 per million British thermal units this week --Today it is down 0.70 cent or ...
Even at the $4-per-MMBtu level that natural gas has been trading for recently, it is still the equivalent of $23.50 crude. So ...
U.S. natural gas was in the red after rebounding yesterday on an above-estimate inventory draw, as the recent surge in bullish speculator activity and short-covering appeared to be fading.
Front Month Nymex Natural Gas for April delivery lost 36.90 cents per million British thermal units, or 8.29% to $4.0840 per million British thermal units today --Largest one day dollar decline since ...
The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) revised its forecast for 2025 average US benchmark Henry Hub natural gas spot prices upward following a cold end to February.
April nat-gas prices on Monday rallied to a new 2-year high on signs that US nat-gas storage levels could tighten further ...
Natural-gas prices continued their counter-seasonal climb, notching a fresh two-year high Monday as traders positioned for ...
Also, this will be the third increase in rates since April 2019 and comes on the back of firming benchmark international prices. The jump in natural gas price at home follows global trend ...
2-Year U.S. Treasury Note Continuous Contract $103.363 0.043 0.04% 5-Year U.S. Treasury Note Continuous Contract $107.734 0.133 0.12% 10-Year U.S. Treasury Note Continuous Contract $110.875 0.234 ...
to drop proposals for hydrogen to be used as a replacement for natural gas in domestic heating. The committee is expected to echo long-running concerns about the energy-intensive nature of making ...
This table shows the supply and the consumption of natural gas as a balance sheet. The supply of natural gas is calculated as the sum of indigenous production, production from other sources, imports ...
STORY HIGHLIGHTS: Pennsylvania's natural gas production fell to lowest level since 2020. Low prices led producers to cut production and new wells. Top four producing counties saw declines in ...