Iowa lawmakers became the first in the nation to approve legislation removing gender identity protections from the state’s ...
Iowa is the first state to repeal civil rights protections for transgender people from state code and advocates for the ...
The Iowa legislature is considering a bill to override federal nutritional requirements for school breakfast and lunch ...
House Bill 1052 outright prohibits carbon capture companies from using eminent domain — the process of taking private ...
A House Education subcommittee unanimously advanced a bill Monday to require school districts provide free feminine hygiene ...
A new bill that would require school districts to offer free feminine hygiene products in school bathrooms is moving forward.
Iowa lawmakers are considering new legislation that would revise rules governing automobile glass repairs and related ...
Iowa has passed a bill to eliminate all references to "gender identity" from state law while defining sex as biologically ...
The bill would create a policy for state universities to not require students to enroll in a diversity, equity and inclusion ...
Iowa’s Republican Governor Kim Reynolds signed into law a bill ending civil rights protections based on gender identity, ...
Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds, a Republican, signed SF418, a bill that eliminates “gender identity” as a protected class under the ...
Iowa Republicans fast-tracked legislation related to civil rights and gender identity in Iowa, and hundreds of protesters convened at ...