In Maharashtra's Jalgaon, a tragic incident was reported on Wednesday. At least six persons killed after being hit by train ...
A rumour of smoke and fire caused panic aboard a express, leading to an accident on a blind two-degree curve in Jalgaon ...
In a tragic incident, at least eight passengers were injured when the Pushpak Express was struck by the running Karnataka Express in Jalgaon district. According to initial reports, the passengers had ...
In Maharashtra's Jalgaon, a tragic incident was reported on Wednesday. At least six persons killed after being hit by train ...
The Railway Ministry has announced ex-gratia of Rs 1.5 lakh each for the kins of the deceased in the Jalgaon train accident, ...
Multiple passengers on a Mumbai-bound train in India were killed and others injured after trying to escape a train they ...
At least 11 people have been killed and five injured after they fled rumours of a fire on board their train in India, only to ...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has expressed his condolences over the tragic train accident in Jalgaon, Maharashtra, which ...
Eleven people were killed Wednesday after rumours of a fire on their train caused them to jump off and were crushed to death ...
At least 12 people including eight men, three women and one 10-year-old child died after passengers of Pushpak Express were hit by Karnataka Express at Pachora taluka in Maharashtra's Jalgaon district ...
Eleven people were killed, five injured after rumours of a fire on their train caused them to jump off and were crushed to ...
At least 11 people have been killed and five injured after they fled rumours of a fire on board their train in India, only to ...