美股聖誕假期後復市,3大指數收市變動不大,大型科技股普遍向下。 道瓊斯指數一度跌逾180點,收市報43325點,升28點,升幅近0.1%。納斯達克指數報20020點,跌10點,跌幅近0.1%。標準普爾500指數報6037點,跌2點。
世界衛生組織總幹事譚德塞發表聲明,證實在當地星期四以軍空襲也門首都薩那國際機場時,他本人及團隊正在機場。 譚德塞說當時他們正要登上從薩那起飛的飛機,機場遭受空襲,距離他不遠的候機室,以及機場控制塔、跑道受損,飛機一名機組人員受傷。譚德塞說他與在場的聯合國工作人員都很安全,但要等機場損毀的設施維修好後,才能離開。 較早前,也門胡塞武裝組織表示,薩那的機場及電力設施、荷台達的電力設施及港口遭受襲擊。以 ...
Bruno Fernandes was sent off as Manchester United crashed to an embarrassing 2-0 defeat at lowly Wolves, while Erling Haaland ...
Two sailors have died in separate incidents in the treacherous Sydney to Hobart bluewater classic, organisers said Friday, ...
Wall Street stocks finished a low-key session little changed on Thursday as US Treasury bond yields retreated and a report ...
Manmohan Singh, the former Indian prime minister whose economic reforms made his country a global powerhouse, has died at the ...