With bunches of lettuce and bucketloads of nuts, London Zoo kicked off its annual animal count Friday, coaxing everything ...
A NASA X-ray imager is heading to the moon as part of NASA's Artemis campaign, where it will capture the first global images of the magnetic field that shields Earth from solar radiation.
Life on Earth could not exist without carbon. But carbon itself could not exist without stars. Nearly all elements except ...
In a day of sadness and surprise, researchers on Puget Sound on Tuesday found J61, the new calf born to mother orca Tahlequah ...
In 2025, the EU will set up a new polar research body that will operate from Sweden, while scientists drill deep into polar ice to study the Earth's climate history and help mitigate the effects of ...
A study led by researchers at the American Museum of Natural History presents the oldest known example in the fossil record ...
An international team of paleobiologists, anthropologists and behavioral scientists has found that the process used by modern ...
This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope Picture of the Week features the galaxy LEDA 22057, which is located about 650 million ...
Potentially habitable exoplanets are so incredibly common that astronomers have started to consider more unusual situations ...
Cracking the chicken-and-egg problem of utilizing resources in space has been a difficult challenge for over half a century.
Pollination by animals contributes to a third of global food production, but little research has been done into the extent to ...